Celebrating Guglielmo Marconi's 150th Birthday!
The Marconi-RCA Wireless Museum will hold a special off-season opening on Saturday, April 27. You are invited to visit as we celebrate Guglielmo Marconi's 150th Birthday and the huge part that he played in the invention of radio. Show us a driver's license with a local Cape Cod address, and you and your group will be admitted for FREE!
The amateur radio "brass pounders" of Chatham Marconi's affiliated WCC Amateur Radio Association, station W1WCC, will participate in the International Marconi Day event from the preserved Operating Building of the historic Chatham station built in 1914 by the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of America, and will actively demonstrate on-air wireless telegraphy for museum visitors.
In a wonderful historic coincidence, April 27 is also the birthday of Samuel F. B. Morse (1791), co-developer of the Morse code used worldwide for wired and wireless telegraphy. Visitors to the museum can learn more about Mr. Morse and his famous code.
Take advantage of this opportunity to visit Cape Cod's "Hidden Gem" of a museum on this special date
More About International Marconi Day
Officially, International Marconi Day is a 24 hour amateur radio event held annually to celebrate the birth of Guglielmo Marconi on April 25, 1874. The event is usually held on the Saturday closest to Marconi’s birthday, and is in effect from 0000 UTC until 2359 UTC (8:00 PM EDT April 26 to 8:00 PM EDT April 27, 2024). The purpose of the day is for amateur radio enthusiasts from around the world to make contact with Historic Marconi Sites using communication techniques similar to those used by Marconi himself.
The amateur radio "brass pounders" of Chatham Marconi's affiliated WCC Amateur Radio Association participate in International Marconi Day from within the Museum. W1WCC is an award station for this event.
Participation in the event within the museum is restricted to WCCARA members and invited participants. Of course, all amateur radio enthusiasts are encouraged to participate on their own. For a more general explanations of International Marconi Day, see for example one or two related websites.
Saturday Apr 27, 2024
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM EDT
Along Route 28 opposite Ryder's Cove. Look for the gray metal lattice tower and the red brick buildings.
Show us a driver's license with a local Cape Cod address, and you and your group will be admitted for FREE! For general admission fees & information see our website's Plan Your Visit page: https://www.chathammarconi.org/planyourvisit .
Phone 508-945-8889
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